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TOP 5 end 2015

TOP 5 end 2015 Hello Picturian! Pleased to announce the 5 best photos at the end of December 2015. Be ready… ? Here we are: • SPECIAL 13 NOVEMBER 2015 – PARIS Continuer la lecture

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SPECIAL 13 November 2015 – Paris Heart – Before and After

★SPECIAL Pray for PARIS France – Shootout – Attacks★     News: #attentatsdu13novembre #13November2015 #PrayforParis #ParisAttacks #ParisShooting #PeaceforParis People lost: #RechercheParis #RechercheParisRetrouve An immense tribute to victims of the Paris Attacks: #Imagine – #unebougiepourparis #EiffelTower #CélineDion ♥ #‎UnforgettableParis‬ ♥ #ChangeTheWorldForEver #Hommageauxvictimes Continuer la lecture

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Hello 1 Picture 1 Word Community!

Hi new picturian! Every picture tells a story and images can be more powerful than words. Choose an emotion that corresponds to the image. Let’s share and pinpoint the international Continuer la lecture

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